Saturday, January 23, 2010

Great White Shark Tooth Are Crocodiles Teeth Stronger Than A Great White Sharks Teeth?

Are Crocodiles teeth stronger than a Great White Sharks Teeth? - great white shark tooth

My cousin Luke wants to know what is more difficult.



  1. The teeth of a crocodile can easily determine an antelope. A great white shark simply, a seal or people (if rarely break) to.

    both have the same level, if you ask me. but a crocodile would have a strong bite. But the two animals have very powerful jaws and sharp teeth, so I'm undecided. You can probably find whether it ...

  2. The teeth of a crocodile can easily determine an antelope. A great white shark simply, a seal or people (if rarely break) to.

    both have the same level, if you ask me. but a crocodile would have a strong bite. But the two animals have very powerful jaws and sharp teeth, so I'm undecided. You can probably find whether it ...

  3. Crocidile have the strongest bite of any animal, thousands of pounds. I hope to help you. Yes, I think the teeth are stronger on the road.

  4. Crocs have teeth. The sharks often lose their teeth, but they are quickly replaced.
